Overview of Listening Test

Overview of Listening Test

This is the easiest section of IELTS Exam. You need to get as high score as possible in this section to increase your overall score. I am discussing some common strategies to improve your score in this section.

1. This section is case sensitive. That means you will get 0 score if you spell incorrectly, wrong use of capitalization, incorrect article. You must be careful about grammar and spelling in this section. I have attached a list of most common 1200 words2. You must learn how to spell them correctly. Just with correct spelling and proper use of grammar, you can increase band score by minimum 1 in this section.

2. Generally there are 4 parts in this listening part with part 1 being easiest followed by part 2. You need to cash in on these two parts. I would suggest not to prepare on whole listening section at a time. Start section by section.

3. For example, start part one first. You practise and see how much you can score. If you are getting below 9, out of 10, you should try to analyse where is your problem and work on them. Most are related to booking a restaurant or recreation center. So you will be expected to know date, days, place name, common English name. I would strongly suggest keep practicing this section until you get score 9 consistently in this section.

4. Once you are comfortable with first part, focus on second part. This part is basically on maps and diagram. You listen YouTube video separately on how to solve diagram and maps problems. You are expected to prepare until you get minimum 8 in this section.

5. Next part is relatively difficult. Most of the time two to three people speak and questions are multiple choice type. You need to prepare again separately for this section. Practice and review until you get 6 to 7 in this section.

6. Part 4 of listening section can be difficult or easy depending on how much command you have on overall English Language. It will test your grammar, sentence structure and sentence completion abilities. You will have to fill in the blanks and they will have indirect answers in their discussion. Answer will not be straight forward. Sometimes you will have to use different tense or add auxiliary verb. But, once you understand the trick, it is easy to score in this section.

For more information please visit:

  1. https://ielts.idp.com/prepare/article-question-types-listening
  2. https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-listening-25-essential-top-tips/

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